Some Examples of Vectors:
- Velocity
- Speed
- Acceleration
- Force
- Etc (Forces with Direction)
- Quantities
- Time
- Position
- Temperature
- Etc (Forces without Direction)
Then we finally proceeded to the last section of the Vector's lab, which involved going to the orange circle across from Campbell Hall, then we followed different bearings using the compass. Also as we followed the direction we timed the time it took to get there. We also measured how many meters one of our regular strides was. We then divided the number of meters per bearing by the number meters per stride to get the number of strides we needed to walk for each bearing.
They were as follows:
75m 30 degrees South of East
Go Down to the Path in front of the staircase infront of the bookstore.
50 m 35 degrees North of East
Down to the stairs infront of the Campbell Hall Parking Lot.
90 m 30 degrees North of West
Down across the Campbell Parking Lot to the path to PAWS seal.
50 m 50 degrees West of South
Down the pathway to the PAWS seal
75 m 30 degrees North of West
At this point using your compass you should be in front of Turner.
125 m 6 degrees West of South
Walk across down the path to the Turner carpool lane.
120 m 34 degrees North of East
Walk across Broyles Field to the Sculpture.
And that concludes the physics class. Next scribe is Mary Elizabeth.
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