We started out today in class going over vector addition. We discussed how vectors represent two quantities, force (or velocity, acceleration, or displacement) and direction. Then we continued working on our vector packet. We sketched and then added the vectors of two spring units pulling a block as illustrated below.
This is the arrangement of the block and the springs. The springs are the gray lines.

This is an illustration of using the tail to tip method of adding vectors. The two gray lines represent the springs and the blue line represents the actual force exerted on the object.

Then, we took a washer and three spring scales and pulled on the washer with all three spring scales so that it wasn't moving. Then, using a giant circle with degree measurements on it and the reading on the spring scales, we found the force and direction that each of the spring scales applied to the washer. We graphed and then added these as vectors, which should have looked something like this.

Our Homework was worksheet 3F, which had 2 pages. The next scribe is Rahul.
Fabulous! This goes in the hall of fame!
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