Class on Tuesday

Class on Tuesday:

In class on tuesday we went over a lot of new things. First off my scanner hasn't been working, and I can't get an pictures of my notes up, so sorry about that. To go onm we went into a lot of detail about components and ended up figuring out that tan of theta = v^2 over gR. Then Mr. Burk had a turntable and set a ruler with three strings of the same length with a ball on the end. They were all identical except that each one went a little bit further from the center(radius of each one got longer). We had to predict what would hajppen when they rotated. We found out that the farther the ball was from the radius the closer to horizontal it got. Then Mr. Burk dropped a ball bearing and shot a ball bearing from a pinball machine like contraption and they hit the ground at the exact same time. This is because the horizontal velocity doesn't affect the vertical velocity. And since they both started with an initial horizontal velocity of 0 then they hit the ground at the same time. Then we proceeded to start watching/analyzing a mythbusters on whether if you drop a bullet and fire one from the same height, will they hit the ground after the same amount of time. We took many notes on this and with the data they gave us we could calculate really cool and complicated stuff.

The next scribe is Joe . . . he already made the post . . . I think Paxton is scribe for Friday.


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