We then talked briefly about the corrections policy. Mr. Burk asks that we generally turn in our corrections within a week. It is perfectly fine if you choose to not make corrections. Talk to Mr. Burk if you have any questions.
Next Mr. Burk talked about some of the big ideas from Wednesday's class. The position vs. time graph of the falling basketball made a parabola, while the grpah of position vs. time squared made a straight line. A square root of the position vs. time graph would have also made a straight line.
Mr. Burk spoke with us about the double interval method. The double interval method is used for estimating instanteneous velocity. You make a position vs. time data table and then find the change between those points. Average V=change in x/change in t. You want to make this as small as possible. The double interval method gets you a line closer than average velocity because you use two intervals instead of one.
After this we broke into groups and did the Understand the Motion Sensor lab. We will finish this lab during the next class. Our homework was to finish the last 2 pages of homeowork 2B, complete the weekly evaluation on webassign, reread 2.7, and do the basketball lab. Don't spend more than 10 minutes making the graph on excel. Email Mr. Burk if it takes you any longer. Monday's scribe will be.... Eliza.
mary elizabeth
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