ScriWednesday, August 19 was the first day of physics class. The first thing we did was talk about how we know the world is round. Flat Earth Society members believe it to be flat, and we discussed how we know it is round. We wrote short essays on how we would convince a Flat Earth Society member that the world is round for homework.

We talked about how knowing something and understanding it are two different things. We filled out the front of a worksheet about something we understood. Everybody picked something that they understood well. Some of the things that people chose included sports and music. The worksheet asked questions such as what was the thing we understood, how did we come to understand it, and how did we know that we understood it. After we took a few minutes to do this, we divided into groups of three and shared with our partners the things that we understood. Each group wrote down their member's ideas on a whiteboard. After we finished, we put the whiteboards at the front of the room so that the class could take a look at what everybody had said.

Some important papers that we received on Wednesday included a syllabus, a sheet called Physics Concept Assessment Log, and one called General Instructions for Written Homework. We also received the first chapter of our reading. For homework, we wrote our flat earth essays, read chapter 1, and filled out the Course Policies Worksheet. We also became familiar with the course website, where there will be important messages and information for our class.


gastonquantz said...

yeah, that's basically it. I just can't get on webassign

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