Today, we reviewed the packet that we were supposed to do on Wednesday. We started with Problem 6 which was Paxton and Sana's. This problem was way more complex than it looked. It is pictured in the first image, the orange one. The objects in the system are the spring the Earth and the object.. The first pie chart is entirely Ue. The second pie chart is half Ug, half K. The last pie chart is all Ug.
Problem 7, the second picture, the purple one, involved the clay and the Earth. The first chart is entirely Ug. The second is half of Ug and half K. The third is Eint, because it hit the ground.
The final problem involved the truck, the Earth, the road, and the gasoline (which is technically part of the truck). The first part is half K half Uchemical, from the gasoline. The second chart is half K, one quarter Eint, one quarter U chem. The final chart is half K, one third Eint, and one eighth Uchem.
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